Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Appealing to the judge within.

Scripture Read: 2 Cor 5:11 Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifest to God; and I hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences.
Application:  Here again our conscience plays an important role with both God and man. Not only should we hope that we will keep a clear conscience with both – but it is where we appeal to be properly judged. God – Who is the only one with a pure conscience knows who we are in reality. He knows us better than we know ourselves, which is scary but at the same time reassuring. We do not need to play any games with Him and even if we do they won’t work – He knows who we really are. On the other side is man – and our greatest hope should be that those we reach and teach will see the real person we are from the deeds that we live. We have to face the fact that some will never give us a break because their problem is with the Lord, not us. We cannot allow those to affect us. But to those we work with that desire to be honest, conscience is a key! They know deep inside their soul who we are. That is the true impact we should desire to have on them. Not a moment – but a clear life evaluation of who we are based on what they know is the truth. This even over rules the hidden weaknesses we all have that they do not know about. If we have a secret motive, it will come to light and they will sense it. However, if our motive is pure – then even if we fail to be all that we should be – they will sense who we are and that our love is sincere – that will make the difference.    
* Meditation Questions: If you spent a day with someone and could not speak a word – what message would your actions give him or her? Do you lay your motives before the Lord each day? Do you have people that disagree with your beliefs but are still friends? What does that say? Finish this: People can deny what I say, but cannot deny what -

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