Be careful what you may have to live under it!
1 Timothy 2:1–4 First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people, even for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. Such prayer for all is good and welcomed before God our Savior, since he wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Yesterday was “President”s” day in my country. As I read the news and meditated on what is going on this Scripture came to mind and a thought I wanted to share for your consideration. No matter what “cause” you are involved in…how would it change if you followed this advice?
It appears that our society has moved into a characteristic of complete immaturity. Instead of "agreeing to disagree" while still respecting each other as "equal" human beings, we have descended into name-calling, hating that individual to the point of trying to destroy them. Be careful what information you listen to and who you allow to guide you!
The news is full of examples: Consider the famous, rich individuals that are demanding the shut down of another pipeline. If they really believe so strongly about it, then they should take out their fat checkbooks and part with some of that wealth those pipeline workers supplied them by paying to see them do their job. Spare me "We feel for them" & "They can find other jobs" - Put up or shut up! From Hollywood to Politicians...Most rich...Talk with ease about taking others' jobs!
How about the stars that lifted the Governor on New York to “higher than mere human” ground at the Emmys, names like Robert de Niro, Ben Stiller, Spike Lee, Rosie Perez. Billy Crystal said. "You are the epitome of New York tough." I am sure that the children who lost parents because of this governor’s callous “toughness” would agree…but is that something to be admired? Even CNN host Chris Cuomo defended his brother non-stop and ridiculed those that brought questions. Where are these folks now? Where is CNN with their stellar, unbiased journalism?
The example that hit me the most in the news was: Minneapolis push to defund police backfires after residents complain of slow response times, increase in crime. Minneapolis on Friday backtracked on its original push to defund the city’s police department...after residents begged the city to hire more officers, citing longer response times and increased violent crime. "Yes 4 Minneapolis", a group trying to replace the police department has received financial help from George Soros according to The Star Tribune. Soros is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of pounds sterling, which made him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.
So many are saying the problem is the Rich in this country...yet they are following the lead of the rich. Whether it is Famous individuals that have millions, Politicians that have hundreds of millions, or Billionaires that run Tech and Corporate America.
The "Joe 40 hour workweek guy" (More like 50-60) folks don't matter as far as their values and hopes. Just their votes, their money at the box office, their dependence on the technology controlled by the mighty few matters...Oh yes, I forgot, our submissive obedience to their ideas and demands.
For me...I will follow the guidance and suggestions of the only selfless, sacrificial person that ever walked the earth, Jesus. His idea of “riches” was the lives of all the "rich", "working Joes" and "poor" that make up this planet. He said START with is impossible to hate anyone you pray for...even if you hate their opinion or actions.
Try could change you!
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