Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Feel Useless? Consider this!

Gal 1:13 For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. 

I have seen children of God overcome some of the greatest trials anyone can face! I have been amazed at how resilient a believer can be, no matter the obstacles! In every area, faith empowered by the Holy Spirit diametrically changes every circumstance a believer can face...except...when that individual believes God does not desire to use them anymore! That is a poison from the pit of hell that will rot the soul from the inside out! 

I spent 5 years in this pit...only holding on by the thinnest thread of faith. The adversary delights in this weapon...but God does have the offensive weapon to destroy our enemy's tactics! 

Recently I have dealt with several disciples that are wrestling with this lie...and as I endeavored to share God's Truth against this lie, the Holy Spirit illuminated my mind to a very simple but many times untapped weapon in God's arsenal.  

We are tempted to judge based on what we accomplished in our life, our usefulness to God. First, that is God's territory, not ours! We are actually being arrogant when we think we determine our use. Second, we need to yield to God's time table for our use...Death! Acts 13:36 “For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was laid among his fathers and underwent decay.” When God is done using will know it! 

I am sure Paul struggled with this battle from the enemy being that he had tried to destroy God's children at one time, but he chose to live for God and allow God to determine that!

As I shared with my disciples the pain, agony, and defeat I lived through during my journey into that valley that many, sadly, never make it out of, instead, giving up and settling for a lukewarm existence with their Lord, missing all the joy and fruit God had desired them to experience, the Holy Spirit brought this Scripture to my mind:

Luke 23:40–42 But the other rebuked him, saying, “Don’t you fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we rightly so, for we are getting what we deserve for what we did, but this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come in your kingdom.”

Think about it! This man was being crucified for crimes he had done...moments away from the end of his earthly life...he most likely had never done anything worthy of God in his entire life! Yet, in this last act what he did has changed the lives of countless millions for over 2,000 years! How many people at the end of their rope...either physically or emotionally have read, heard, or remembered this story of a man who wasted his life, yet at the very end, used the same seed of faith God has given all of us and accomplished two things. First, an eternal home with his Creator, and a Truth that has impacted more humans than anyone can count! It is NEVER too late while we breathe! 10,000 fat ladies can doesn't is NEVER over until God says so! 

You think you are useless? Ha! This man on the cross was a waste of human flesh, BUT God still had a use for him! With this one act of faith, this thief has accomplished more than I have in 64 years of living! 

The So What: Have you decided you know more than God? Does He serve you...or do you serve Him? Choose to stop allowing the adversary to attack you with "uselessness" - attack back with Truth! Like the thief, as long as your breathing, God still has plans that include you! 


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