Friday, February 7, 2020

Is talking to God difficult?

Eph 1:15-23

Having spent my life in ministry I have often been struck with how many individuals state that they find talking to God very difficult. In fact, most times the word they use is “pray”, which appears to make it a more mystical experience. There are a lot of reasons for this, a very prominent one is the perception religiosity has propagated over the centuries. Many believe there are only certain special individuals that have a direct pipeline to God Almighty. They are given titles in the institution of the Church and are treated by the “layperson” as closer to God and given special access to Him. This is a lie put forth by the adversary to hinder children of God going to their Papa to talk with Him.

The reality is there is only One human that has direct access to God, the God-man Jesus Christ. However, He is willing to let anyone use that access if they desire. No hoops, no fancy dialect, no required protocol…just an open heart to humble ourselves and approach our Father in the name of His Son. That name is the key to the Throne!

Paul’s encouragement to the Ephesians about prayer is a great one to imitate!

* I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened – Asking God for illumination to His Truth…to see from His perspective.

* So that you will know what is the hope of His calling - To possess a clear sense of our destiny.

* Know what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints – That we might understand our real wealth…not of this world!

* Know what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe – that we will experience victory over the adversary and his system!

Paul then summarizes our position in Eph. 1:19-23

God brought all things under the subjection of Christ. What does this mean? Everything God desired to accomplish in the redemption of man was done in Christ. The outcome of that is the Church, which Christ is the head of and when completed and glorified will be the fullness of God. Not what the church is now, but what it will be when God is finished.

The So What: God sees you based on what? Salvation is complete and unchangeable, what does that mean for me? Since God desires that I have as much understanding as possible, how should that affect my communication with Him?


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