Moving from insignificant to Significant!
Matthew 2:6 “And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, Are by no
means least among the leaders of Judah; For out of you shall come forth a Ruler
Who will shepherd My people Israel.”
It is clear that human beings have a drive inside that craves to matter, to make a difference, to leave their mark, to be important! None of that is evil…I believe it was put in us by our Creator. I believe it is integrated with the drive for purpose: “How did I get here”? “Why am I here”? “Do I really matter”?
It is clear that human beings have a drive inside that craves to matter, to make a difference, to leave their mark, to be important! None of that is evil…I believe it was put in us by our Creator. I believe it is integrated with the drive for purpose: “How did I get here”? “Why am I here”? “Do I really matter”?
That is why the enemy of our soul excerpts so much energy to
make us feel insignificant. Sadly, he is succeeding! Look at the suicide rate;
the extremes individuals will go to just to get their “15 minutes” in
the spotlight; Selfies and social media; the compromises that are made for fame
and fortune…sacrificing the ultimate on the alter of the immediate! Just
look at the numbers of people that seek wholeness from doctors, therapists and
medications. Or the ones that have given up and turned to substances that numb
them from reality so they do not have to deal with it. I know…I
have been there.
Refocus…that is a GOOD word! If we are willing to take the time to
refocus we might discover that the One Who designed us has already made a way
for us not to be overwhelmed by the enemy, and to have a settled calm (peace)
concerning all those questions that involve purpose.
Consider the passage we are looking at: What was Bethlehem to
the world? It was a little insignificant town that was in subjection through
several empires. Yet, God decided to make it one of the most important and
famous places in the universe! When the Creator of the universe took on flesh
and was born as a human baby…He chose Bethlehem! That is history…yet…if
we are willing to meditate on this Truth we can see that God is the One that
can take nothing and make it something!
No human being should ever feel insignificant! How can you? The
God of Creation, the individual that made everything, that sustains everything,
made His intentions clear.
Hebrews 2:6–8 But one has testified somewhere, saying,
“What is man, that You remember him? Or the son of man, that You are concerned
about him? “You have made him for a
little while lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor,
And have appointed him over the works of Your hands; You have put all things in
subjection under his feet.”
You do not have to do anything, accomplish any great feat,
reach a certain economic level or get on TV! The fact that you are made in the
image of the Creator and that He was willing to become flesh, take your sin
upon Himself, pay the debt of that sin, die and raise again to offer you
eternal life, makes the statement to Angelic beings, Demonic beings and all
other beings that you are valuable in God’s eyes!
In a world of Billions, you may feel insignificant, but those
are only feelings! The reality is that the God of all sees you individually and
desires a relationship with you!
The so What: What have you done with the most vital
relationship you can have? Talk to Jesus today, He wants you to get to know
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