Sunday, May 13, 2018

Are you teachable?

Probing Proverbs 13:18 If you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace; if you accept correction, you will be honored.

Whenever we are confronted by Wisdom, there is a very important aspect we must keep before us…Whose perspective is this coming from? This Truth should bring us comfort when we read the Scriptures because the only person’s perspective that matters is God’s, which changes everything!

This is why many people have a hard time understanding the book of Proverbs. The statements that are made do not seem to match what they see happen in the world. Take this passage as an example.

In this world there are many individuals that will not receive any criticism, yet live lives that are full of riches and seem to be respected by many. So is this passage a lie? The major thought that must dominate our understanding when dealing with these issues is that God always holds the “eternal” perspective in view. To put it simply, just consider how Jesus said it:

Mark 8:36 “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?

The final outcome is what really matters to the Lord! The thief on the cross snatched victory from defeat in the last seconds of his life! That does not mean that God prefers individuals to wait until the very end of life to make a difference. He desires all to begin a relationship with Him as early as possible and continue right into eternity. When we consider what really matters in the end from God’s view, we are brought to a very stark reality…in the balance of “time” this side of eternity is nothing compared to what will follow!

James 4:14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

This side of eternity is at best 100 years…and even that begins to deteriorate after 60 years! Forever is just that…Forever! So when God warns, as He does in this passage, that ignoring healthy criticism leads to poverty and disgrace He is viewing this from eternity. God wants all to experience a rewarding eternity! To have everything you desire here and now…but then lose it forever brings the perspective we need! So many of God’s principles concerning how to live apply to here and now most times, BUT even if you heap all you can on yourself, the fact remains your eternal soul is all you take with you when you move into eternity! God desires you to inherit His treasure…in the end, even if in the game of life, it was exciting and high scoring…if at the end you lose…you lose!

The So What: What have you invested your life in? God’s teachings concern more about living a life that produces eternal fruit, are you experiencing that? Jesus said He wanted to give us an abundant life, which begins the moment you trust Him, what does that look like? 


At May 14, 2018 at 7:33 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

So very true.

At May 15, 2018 at 10:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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