Conscious Living - I know why I'm here…I think?
Ever walk into a room and suddenly realize you don't
know what you are in there for? One time I was looking for something; opening
draws, moving things, became very frustrated. My wife asked me what I was looking
for - I had forgotten and had to go away and try to remember!
I received several requests from the last Devo asking what I
mean by “Conscious
Conscious Living is a term I began using in my life after
engrafting the historical record from Scriptures concerning Moses when he
allowed himself to forget who he was and Who God is!
To be “conscious” is defined by three simple statements: 1. Knowing or feeling
that something is happening or existing. 2. Knowing what one is doing and why.
3. Painfully aware of oneself.
I believe, using the standard “detective” formula, if we ask ourselves “the
Who, What, Where, and Why” we can experience “Conscious Living.”
Consider the example I used in the beginning. Num 20:7-12 –
Israel is murmuring again and God tells Moses to simply speak to the rock and
water will come out for the people.
Numbers 20:7–12…speak to the rock over there, and it will
pour out its water…enough water from the rock to satisfy the whole community
and their livestock.”
Moses, very frustrated, reacts out of that emotion:
…Then he and Aaron summoned the people to come and gather
at the rock. “Listen, you rebels!” he shouted. “Must we bring you water from
this rock?” Then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the staff,
and water gushed out.
This is not to be hard on Moses, because he had endured far
more than I ever have from stubborn and faithless people. However, it is a
great warning for us, that when we are in the midst of emotional duress, that
is when we so desperately need to remain in a Conscious state of living! Moses
failed to do that. He forgot Who he was – a representative of God. He forgot What
he was doing – simply a vessel to communicate God’s instructions to the
people. He forgot Where he was – in a position of leadership, which always
carries a higher accountability! And, sadly, he forgot Why he was doing it – to
glorify God, not himself! When he stated “must WE bring you water?” he
took credit for what God had done. Moses had no power to make water; he had the
privilege of being the one that God used to show Israel the power of the
We will examine deeper what “Conscious Living” means, but let me
leave you with this thought just on the “Who am I?” Here is how Scriptures describes that:
* Matt 5:13 - Salt
* 2 Cor 3:2 - Epistles
* 2 Cor 5:20 - Ambassadors
* Eph 5:8 - Light
* 2 Tim 2:3 - Soldier
The so What: Have you taken time to contemplate Who you are in
Christ? How should that reality impact your life? When was the last time you
thought more about your rights than God’s reputation seen in you?
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