Probing Proverbs 14:3 A fool’s proud talk becomes a rod
that beats him, but the words of the wise keep them safe.
“Karma”, “What goes around, comes around”, “Catch 22”…there are many ways to say it, my favorite
is from Scripture: “You reap what you sow!” This Proverb contains a very profound
I was brought up on a saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but
words can never hurt me!” There is truth to
that, yet it is not quite true either. If we are defining hurt as physical
damage, like being hit by a stick or a stone, words alone cannot do that. If on
the other hand you are using the word “hurt” to mean damage to a person, words can
inflict a lot of damage and even incite someone to hit you with a stick or a
“Proud Talk” from a fool, will be demeaning to others…that
is why it is called “proud” and can be so inflaming that when those words are returned on him, it
will be like rods beating him…and some times if his talk is to a violent
person, those rods could be real!
If you are wise, which would carry the idea of thinking before
speaking, and I would encourage more that you pray before you say, those words
will keep you safe. Again, let’s use common sense, this does not mean
that harm in any form will not come on you, many wise and good individuals have
been verbally and physically attacked by evil people. However, it is important
to keep before you that the One Person you want to approve of what you said is
the God of the universe. His Prophets spoke with wisdom and many were killed
for it…BUT
as they stood before God He praised them for speaking in a way He would.
We all make verbal mistakes…it is part of our fallen nature. Yet, even
then, if we are wise we can humble ourselves, ask for wisdom, and then speak in
a way that leads to peace. All it takes to ask for forgiveness is to get our ego
out of the way.
The So What: Are you quick to give an answer? Do you measure
your words? Is your goal to get what you want, or to give what God wants? Is
there anyone that you offended with your words that God desires you to make
things right with?
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