Friday, August 23, 2013

Mythbusters can only bust myths! If it’s not busted…it’s Truth!

Probing Proverbs 9:11-12 Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit. If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer.

How does wisdom multiply our days and even add years to our life? Is this Truth or a Myth? It sounds good, but it is important that we examine how this works. I have found many times believers will “Amen” something that sounds “true” or “spiritual”, yet have not taken the time to meditate on how exactly does that truth work. When we do that, we fill our mind with “data” but it stops there. Data unapplied is wasted knowledge, and can even become dangerous…knowing a lot, but not applying it is what makes Pharisees!  Hearing the Truth, yet not understanding it, makes a person gullible and sets them up to be won over by a more persuasive argument; consider Eve.

So let’s examine how this works! Wisdom leads a person to live their life in an intentional way. The more intentional we live; we will find our lives much healthier, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. How can I say that? Consider:

Physically - if we know that we get only one shot at life and with intention desire to keep ourselves healthy, unless an unexpected or uncontrolled disease hits us, the chances of remaining healthy in our body is great. I did this with drugs, stayed away from them, and exercise, that’s why my chemicals are good each check-up, but have failed with food, that’s why I am over weight. Now I am being intentional there also and I feel so much better physically. 

Emotionally - by living intentional we will watch our stress level and make sure we are balanced between work and leisure. Just letting life happen leads to emotional burn out! 

Mentally - we know God wants us to investigate everything we can about the good things in this world. A well-read person has tremendous understanding and is not afraid of the truth. It has amazed me how individuals that will read Plato will refuse to read the all time best selling and most distributed book in the world. Surely Solomon, David and Christ stated as profound of truths as Plato, even if you deny their claims about God. 

Spiritually - well I am completely biased! Unless we are spiritually alive, nothing else will ever be completely right! This is “button theology!” If you don’t get the top button in the top buttonhole, nothing else will be right! Only when a person begins a relationship with their Maker does a clear purpose for life and a sense of destiny become a reality. 

The benefits of Wisdom are no Myth! The myth is...that quality of life can exist without Wisdom!

Take what you know and ask yourself: What does it mean? How am I using it? What difference does it make in my life? Do you have any plan for your life, or do you leave that to luck, fate or some other power? Does your plan include the reality that Someone greater than you might over ride your plan with His plan. Do you believe the Creator of all things might have a plan for your life? What are you doing about that? 


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