Monday, February 4, 2013

A trio of weapons that no soldier should be without!

Probing Proverbs 8:14-16 Common sense and success belong to me. Insight and strength are mine. Because of me, kings reign, and rulers make just decrees. Rulers lead with my help, and nobles make righteous                                                                   judgments.

Wisdom not only brings "Common Sense" to those that seek it. There are three other "treasures" that Wisdom brings to us; let's consider them.


When we think of success what we really need to ask is  - from whose point of view? Many times we get so engulfed in the moment that we do not consider the quality of the "success" we are having. Temporal success is very different from "real" success. What do I mean? If the "success" you have only lasts for a moment, it really is not "success" - it is only an emotional high that fades and leaves no eternal impact. I remember once being in a store when very poor man took the only dollar he had and bought a Lotto ticket. He scratched it and yelled, "I won, I won!"  He had won...TWO MORE TICKETS! He scratched them both to find two more losers. After he tossed them in trash...he said "well at least I finally won!"??? What did he win? Two more chances to lose?

Beloved, the success Wisdom gives is not momentary - it may affect your moment, but more importantly it brings a quality and an outcome that will have an eternal impact. Your business may make money, or not...but if it is successful, it glorified God by the way you managed it, handled the ups and downs and made you more dependent on the Lord.  Your children may not be rich, famous or important in the world's eyes, but if they love God and are walking close to Him, you are a successful parent!


            The power or act of seeing into a situation; The act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively

The insight Wisdom brings is the ability to discern the spiritual truth behind the scenes. Far to many people can only see what is on the surface, but with insight the Holy Spirit can help us understand the deeper truths and impact of a situation. Why live seeing only what the enemy wants you to see or understand? Wisdom will equip you with the ability to understand the eternal perspective of the issue.  


            The quality or state of being strong: Capacity for exertion or endurance: Power to resist force: Power of resisting attack

This is essential for us to understand if we are to live in victory. No matter our discipline or our will power, we cannot overcome the power of the flesh on our own. There is a strength that comes only from Wisdom. Understanding the reality of eternity puts everything into perspective. From that vantage point, you will not take stands or make decisions based on the passing fads, or politically correct issues of the day. Wisdom brings the strength of Truth that really matters now and will still matter 1 billion years from now. That is the strength that allowed men and women to stand their ground in their faith even to the point of martyrdom. This is the strength that is given when we need to forgive even though we don’t feel like it. This is the strength that is given to love others...even our enemies more than ourselves. The strength that is required to do the “right” thing even when it is not the “convenient” thing. Understanding “why” you are doing “what” you are doing produces a strength the enemy cannot overcome.

The greatest leader is the one armed with Wisdom. Equipped with the arsenal of common sense, success, insight and strength, the enemy will have a much more difficult time deceiving you or pushing you into a quick and reactionary decision.


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