Baptism at Singles Retreat - 147 Baptized!!!

*******************Baptism at Singles Retreat 147 Baptized!!! ***********************

* Sharing times in the Word and looking for growth. Let's Commune Together!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Do you get sex or does it get you?

Probing Proverbs 7:11-12 She was the brash, rebellious type, never content to stay at home. She is often in the streets and markets, soliciting at every corner. 

As we continue in Proverbs, lets keep before us that the wisdom that is being shared is using the example of sexual immorality and a seductive woman, but let us not miss the universal principles concerning how sin works. The specific issue may differ, but the entrance to our lives remains the same. We have watched how this young man has placed himself near sin and how sin is attractive and proactive in its desire for us. The woman pictured here is the very opposite of the woman found in Proverbs 31. Notice 3 characteristics: “brash”, “rebellious” and “never content”. Brash means hasty, aggressive and loud; Rebellious means disobedient and never content is someone that always wants more. This is a very good picture of sin. Sin does what it needs to, to get our attention. It will be as aggressive and loud as necessary to attract our attention. Sin does not like authority or accountability; it wants to do what it wants to do! Lastly, sin can never get enough! What we should also understand from this passage is, like this woman, we do not have to go far looking for sin. Sin is right around the corner...waiting for us. It has been this way since the beginning. God tried to warn Cain before he murdered his brother: 

Genesis 4:6–7 “Why are you so angry?” the LORD asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”  

It is essential that we heed wisdom’s warnings and learn from this great example of a silly young man that wants to flirt around with a very dangerous woman. He thinks he will get her body and she will get what is the harm? Remember... “never content” ... she will give him her body, but that is the price she will pay for his soul! 

Sin will allow us to enjoy some pleasure, whether it be sexual, mental or emotional highs, ego builders, materialism, fame and power. They all have some pleasure, and all are offered by God, but always in His context. When these are offered by sin, the context is outside of what God had attended, and the goal is not to have us be fulfilled, it is to lull us asleep with a little pleasure while things far more valuable are being destroyed and stolen. 

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