Monday, January 30, 2012

Seeing Jesus “with skin on”

Scripture Read:  1 Timothy 4:11-12 Prescribe and teach these things. 12 Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.

Application: As a young man in ministry I took this verse to heart and it guided and strengthened me. Having had many peers and differing individuals in the flock I was given to shepherd, some that were older, wiser, with more education, some even with years of experience way beyond my own, this verse gave me wisdom and spared me much grief. Only You Lord, could have known and guided me in the wisdom of this verse. I pray for Your mercy on others who read this text, that their eyes will be opened to the wonderful truth You are communicating. Because Timothy was also young, it is important that we see the incredible principle that is illuminated by Your Spirit. People can deny our words, but they cannot deny our life! They may disagree with us, think less of us, even slander us, but to their dismay, by our life we are what we are, no matter how they feel about it. With Timothy it was youth, but with any of us, there may be those around us that think we are ignorant, superstitious, naïve, or think we are wasting our life, whatever in may be. The wisdom of this verse gives us the victory! Dont argue with them, or try to convince them with your words, just live Christ in front of them. I saw some young Pastors trying to lift themselves up, proving by their use of original languages, or their masterful preaching and even their more enlightened counseling techniques that they were all that. It never worked! They came across as arrogant, conceited, not teachable or proud. Instead, be confidant in who the Lord made you, be teachable and most of all live what you preach! 

When we choose not to argue or defend but rather in everything we do we show the things we talk about by our walk, it will not win everyone, but to anyone that is honest, they will respect our life because they can SEE what we believe not just hear it. As Timothy lived out what he preached, the older and more experienced in his flock grew in respect for him and saw his authority as a Pastor. Whenever someone respects your life, they give authority to the truth you are speaking, and may consider or trust in Him as their Savior as well. Nothing is more encouraging to fellow believers than witnessing one of their own, living out what we all claim to believe. Nothing is more vital for those that do not have a relationship with Christ, to see Christ with skin on through those that say they belong to Him. This is Pauls point in

2 Corinthians 3:1–3 Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some, letters of commendation to you or from you? 2 You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; 3 being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

We need to be the Word of God in the flesh to people who are trapped in their sin!  

Meditation Questions: Do you try to impress people? Why? Why not? If you had to live a week around people you know, but could not speak, what do you think your life would communicate? Can you be content just being who God made you, even if it falls beneath the world’s idea of greatness? If not, why? Is it wrong wanting to be recognized? Honored? Appreciated? What should the guideline be? If you had one goal how would you finish this sentence – “when I leave someone I want them to remember - ______________________________. What does your answer show you? 


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