The school of life even requires tests!
Scripture Read: 1 Timothy 3:10 These men must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach.
Application: What does it mean to be tested? Sadly, far to many times the only testing that goes on is head knowledge. Be sure, that is important! Anyone that is going to be involved in ministry at a leadership level needs to know the Book. Our knowledge of the Word of God is essential in enabling us to properly guide and give counsel. However, our God is always concerned with the whole person. An individual that has a lot of head knowledge but who's character has not been proven can do a lot of damage as a leader. This is why good discipleship is so important in the Body of Christ. Spending time with each other, learning about God, keeping each other accountable, always proves the character of the individual. It takes time to observe maturity, and that is why in leadership there should not be individuals that have little or no life experience to go along with their head knowledge. The Word of God is the validator of Truth, not experience, though experience is where the practical application of truth takes place and we see Godly wisdom in action. This is why both must be in the formula of developing leadership. Leaders need to know what You desire Lord and how to help others put it into practice. Only through time in growth can those skills be developed and proven.

Meditation Questions: When you feel confident to give counsel, what is that based on? What is the danger of allowing experience to be the standard for what is true? Is there a problem with head knowledge only? What is it? What is the best way to test leaders? If you have someone leading you into a difficult situation, what do you them to possess? What happens when your experience is not validated by Scripture? What do you do about that? Is faith based on subjective truth or objective truth?
Labels: Devotions, Meditation, Walking with Jesus
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