Monday, August 22, 2011

Living the same no matter the situation

Scripture Read: Esther Chapter 2:8-9 So it came about when the command and decree of the king were heard and many young ladies were gathered to the citadel of Susa into the custody of Hegai, that Esther was taken to the king’s palace into the custody of Hegai, who was in charge of the women. 9 Now the young lady pleased him and found favor with him. So he quickly provided her with her cosmetics and food, gave her seven choice maids from the king’s palace and transferred her and her maids to the best place in the harem.   

Application: What does God think about this stuff? A harem? Why does the scripture state nothing about how wrong this is as the story is told? These issues cause all of us to struggle as we study the Word. There are some very important things though that we can learn if we choose to remain focused. Primarily – God deals with everyone right where they are, including you and me. Just because He tolerates sin does not mean He condones it. It is clear from scripture that the Lord intended for one man with one woman for life – due to sin that is not what life is. God could decide to not tolerate the sin and bring judgment immediately, remember though that would include you and me. Therefore, the issue for us should never be trying to figure out what God thinks of any particular issue, which is a waste of time because His thoughts are not our thoughts. Instead, we ought to spend our time seeking to find out what God wants us to do where we are at that moment. Look how even Paul handles the issue of slaves. He does not condemn it – and surely, we all would agree God never intended any kind of slavery – instead though Paul raises the bar of behavior for both master and slave to be like Christ. So even though we may not understand why God allows something, the big picture is to become what He desires us to be in the midst of it. 

The other issue from this text is the continued truth in scripture that no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in – if we can see God is there it should make the difference.  Think how terrifying a situation Esther was in – not a little girls dream – yet we know, because of the end of the story, that she had a peace that is not normal. That is the Key! Where can we go from Your presence Lord? No where! You are always with us. Thank You Father for Your faithfulness. 

* Meditation Questions: When was the last time you moved from just knowing that God is omnipresent, to thanking Him for this great truth? When you encounter Scripture that makes no sense to you what do you do about that? When you find yourself in a situation that you know is unfair, do you focus on your rights, or living right no matter the situation? When you do not sense peace what do you do?

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